Saturday, April 5, 2008

Good Friday: What Makes it "Good"?

Our ritual texts on Good Friday name this liturgy as the "CELEBRATION" of the Lord's Passion. This is not a celebration like a party or a joyous and rousing event, rather, it is a continuing celebration of the death and resurrection of the Lord that we have been celebrating and will continue to celebrate into Easter.

Although our focus or emphasis on this day is on the death of the Lord, it is not in the mode of an historical event only. In other words, we don't celebrate this liturgy like it's a funeral. Instead, we approach Good Friday with thankful hearts because we know that THE DEATH WE COMMEMORATE THIS DAY ENDED IN RESURRECTION.

Human life is not a party, but because we know that the death we commemorate this day ended in resurrection, this day is a celebration. As God has triumphed in the death of Jesus, God will triumph in the deaths we face every day and finally, on our last earthly day.

On this day, we give ourselves over to the Reign of God, just as Jesus did, so that on our last day in this life, this handing over our life will be nothing new. We will have grown in our trust of God's handling our life; we will have nothing in our life that keeps us from giving to God what is rightfully God's - our very self.

So, while our hearts are heavy because Jesus had to die this day this way, (as a victim of capital punishment, abandoned by his friends, betrayed, mocked, etc., all of which stands to remind us of our fickle faith), we are full of awe of the love that God has for us.

Year 2008 Regular Events

Sunday Worship Services

Sunday Worship Services:
9:30 am Contemporary Service
11:15am Traditional Service

Adult Sunday School:
9:30 pm & 11:15am

Children Sunday School:
9:30am & 11:15am

Teens Sunday School:

Contemporary Service

The contemporary service begins at 9:30am Sunday morning. It usually start with about great songs & music. Often there will be a drama or solo song, and an interesting message from one of the pastors.

Traditional Service

It is a blended service begins at 11:15am. We usually start with a timeless hymn supported musically by the organ and piano. Sometime sing a few more modern songs as well. Scripture reading, a solo brought to us by the choir or another ensemble, and a great message by one of the pastors.

Adult Sunday School

It covers the current issue and challenge Christian face daily. Show us from God's point of view in every situation and how to deal with them. Also great sharing and support from other Christians especially from those who have been through many life issues and shed some light on the insight of dealing the problem. Lets of fun and relax atmosphere.

New Year Celebration

Welcome to this New Year Celebration!

It is a time for reflection on the end of this year 2007.

A day of counting your blessing from God, a new year is immerging. Would you plan to make this New Year a better one, one that will make the different to yourself and to those around you, a year that will have true sense of purpose in life.

Come! Let us celebrate together in worship the Lord!

Sunday Dec. 30, 2007, 10:30 am at Philpott church
(Address on green column at the right side)

Next week Worship Service (regular events):
Sunday Worship Services: 9:30 am & 11:15am
Adult Sunday School: 9:30 pm & 11:15am
Children Sunday School: 9:30am & 11:15am
Teens Sunday School: 11:15am

Christmas Eve Celebration

Welcome to this Christmas Eve Celebration!

A time the reflection on this special day of the year.

A day of Grace was given to us from God

This Grace is with us forever once we take action and accept it.
A New life immerges and new meaning & direction of course of life start.

Come! Let us celebrate together!

Monday Dec. 24, 2007, 6:00 p.m at Philpott church
(Address on green colume at the rightside)

Other Christmas & New Year Worship events:
December 23, Single Service at 10:30 a.m.
December 30, Single Service at 10:30 a.m.

Christmas Celebration for kids

Movie and Fun Night

Friday Dec 14, 2007
Bring your Friends


JK to Gr. 6

Location of this Event:
Philpott Memorial Church
84 york Bvld.,
Hamilton, Ontario
Map to this place
Phone: (905) 523-7000